Therapy Motions, power assisted exercise cycle system for rehabilitation
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The eVO System is the most advanced motorized full-body motion therapy excercise cycle available
EVO power assisted exercise bike for physical therapy and rehabilitation
EVO power assisted exercise cycle for Professional / Medical settings
EVO power assisted exercise cycle for the home

eVO Full-body Motion Therapy

For use in professional settings or at home

We designed eVO to help patients, their families and healthcare providers gain more satisfactory and successful outcomes. eVO is the only motorized dual-motion therapy system with reciprocating handlebars and foot pedals interlinked to provide coordinated movement. This unique simultaneous motion provides upper and lower extremities therapy and exercise that:

  1. Prevents complications related to a disability
  2. Provides advanced rehabilitation from an acute physical debilitation
  3. Improves your general health and overall wellness


Por favor, haga clic AQUÍ para ver nuestro video de YouTube sobre Evo Terapia motorizado

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